Our feedback

We reguarly send out questionnaires to our parents to check how satisfied they were with our Pre-school. Some of the latest results are as follows:

100% of respondents felt they were...

  • made to feel welcome and at ease
  • provided with regular information about activities and were invited to take part                                   
  • happy with the Pre-school’s methods of discipline
  • happy with the Pre-school overall

over 50% of respondents...

  • choose Youth club Pre-school as a result of a personal recommendation                                            
  • listed our friendliness and welcoming atmosphere as what they liked most about the pre-school

some of the comments made...

“Great staff who really know the children and take time to get to know the parents too!”                                


“Lovely warm feeling/atmosphere”


“The children are happy”


“The organisation of the Pre-school is excellent”


“I cannot single anything out. It is all good"